Sighting in Marion County, Texas

Here is an eyewitness account of what is described like a large Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. The eyewitness was only eight years old when he had this close encounter, which would make this sighting around 1995 (northeast Texas). I edited his words only a little (for English punctuation, cutting out what was unnecessary, etc).pterosaur seen by Aaron Tullock in Texas in 1995

I saw a featherless flying animal with a wingspan of about 4 1/2 to 5 feet and a long tail with a diamond-type shape at the tip of it. No hair or feathers anywhere, just leathery reptile-type skin. I have a well established knowledge of animals, especially reptiles, so I can easily tell what animal something is and what it isn’t. The animal had bumps down its back, feet with longish toes, and long black claws, like an Oprey has for grasping fish. It had a long mouth/beak full of long sharp teeth that somewhat protruded from the mouth like a crocodile’s do when closed. I can’t fully remember the eyes well . . . Its color was bright orange with black “tiger stripes,” . . . I didn’t see the animal glow but it wasn’t night so that may be why, most likely. [eyewitness=Aaron Tullock, who drew the above sketch]

Boy Sees Pterosaur in Texas (additional information on this sighting)

Apparent-pterosaur sketches compared (Cuba pterosaurs and the Texas pterosaur)


Non-English Pages on Modern Living Pterosaurs

Here is a partial list of non-English modern-pterosaur web pages, in a few languages:

French Language

[The Ropen of Papua New Guinea]
“Ropen” de Papúa la Nouvelle-Guinée

Le “ropen” est un cryptid de Papúa la Nouvelle-Guinée. Certains chercheurs croient que c’est une pterosaur.

[Information about pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea]
Les renseignements sur pterosaurs dans Nouvelle Guinée Papua

Je suis de Californie, Etats-Unis d’Amérique. J’ai interviewé les gens pendant cinq ans, 2004-2009. Ceux-ci sont les gens qui ont vu de grands animaux: les grandes ailes et une longue queue mais ils n’avaient aucune plume d’oiseau.

Southern California Ropen Sighting (French, Spanish, and German)

German Language

[An American observed a ropen light in 2006]
Amerikaner Beobachtete Ropen-Licht 2006

Paul Nation, von Texas, ging vier Entdeckungsreisen in Papua-
Neuguinea weiter. Der dritte 2006 war sehr wichtig. Er verwendete eine Videokamera und registrierte zwei Lichter.

Augenzeuge Gideon Koro   [Eyewitness Gideon Koro]

Das buch ‘Searching for Ropens’ erzählt über einen Mann, Gideon Koro, der einen ropen sah.

Greek Language

[Mysterious Creatures]
Μυστηριώδη πλάσματα

Ιούνιος του 2008: ο πιλότος πτήσης με προορισμό ΝΑ του Μπαλί (Ινδονησία) απέφυγε τη σύγκρουση με τη γιγαντιαία φιγούρα για ελάχιστα δευτερόλεπτα. Μόλις που είχε καιρό να σκεφτεί, πριν από την προσγείωση, τι είχε συναντήσει εκεί στον αέρα -για πελεκάνος δεν φαινόταν, έμοιαζε περισσότερο με… ιπτάμενο δεινόσαυρο. Η αναζήτηση που έκανε αργότερα στο Διαδίκτυο μαζί με τον συγκυβερνήτη, τους οδήγησε σ’ ένα πλάσμα ονόματι «ropen» που λέγεται πως έχει εμφανιστεί και στη Ν. Γουινέα.

Hungarian Language

[The ropen of Papua New Guinea]
A ‘ropen’ a Pápua Új-Guinea

Sok éven keresztül, az emberek azt mondják, hogy most légy pterosaurs, különbözo országokban. Néhány ezek az országok az afrikai kontinensen.
De a legtöbb fo kereséséhez pterosaurs lévo Pápua Új-Guineában.

Japanese Language

第二次世界大戦で、軍艦が島の洞穴を砲撃しました。 [Dangerous kor attacked by Japanese, including bombardment by a Japanese warship (WWII)]




Polish Language

[Pterodactyl of New Guinea]
Pterodacktyl z Nowej Gwinei
“Amerykanski kryptozoolog Jonathan Whitcomb, autor . . .”

Portuguese Language

[Description of the Ropen]

Descrição: réptil alado com uma crista na cabeça que apresenta hábitos noturnos. O Ropen possui uma espécie de luminescência, que dura alguns segundos e facilita sua visualização à noite, e é descrito como tendo de 5 a 20 metros de comprimento.


De 1994 até 2002 diversas expedições foram formadas para encontrar o animal. Em 2004, o videógrafo Jonathan Whitcomb fez uma extensa pesquisa e expedição, imensamente documentada em vídeo e no seu livro.

Spanish Language

[The Ropen of Papua New Guinea]
El Ropen de Papúa Nueva Guinea

En las palabras de Jonathan Whitcomb: . . . En 2004, viajé de los Estados Unidos a Papúa Nueva Guinea. Encontré a un intérprete en la ciudad de Lae. Mí y mi intérprete viajó, por buque, a la Isla de Umboi. Más tarde, encontramos muchos nativos que habían visto el ropen.

Live Pterodactyls?

En compañía de su guía local, Jonathan Whitcomb explicó que había reunido numerosas informaciones de los nativos sobre la presencia de esa criatura, a la que ellos llaman ropen, que significa demonio volador, un ser desconocido para la ciencia. Whitcomb, un profesional en la realización de reportajes de cine, estaba decidido a conseguir su mayor logro: filmar al que podría ser el último pterosaurio vivo.

Swedish Language

Ropen [not to be confused with the Swedish word “ropen” meaning “cry.”]

Ropen tros för att vara nattligt och för att ställa ut bioluminescence. Purportedly bor det på en banta av fisken [seems to have been taken from Wikipedia]
