Modern Pterosaurs in Central America

With great anticipation, I await the cryptozoological examination of a video of three flying creatures reported to have flown over a beach, in 2006, just south of Belize City, Belize. The circumstances surrounding this video make it extremely unlikely to be related to any hoax. Of course, there is a possibility that the three flying objects were three large birds that held their legs behind them, making them look like they had long tails; but careful examination of the video should reveal the truth, pterosaur or not, for it was recorded by a professional film crew member who used a high-definition camera. I quote from the Live Pterosaur blog:

Beliz Pterosaur

The apparent pterosaurs were high and rather far off, but Kobliha had the impression that they were not ordinary birds. Videotaping three apparent living pterosaurs with a professional camera—that set this sighting apart from other sightings. I [Jonathan Whitcomb] hope to have a copy of his video soon, so that I can analyze the footage.

Sightings in Mexico

[This sighting] is by “Stew,” who was visiting Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in 2000 (“pterodactyl” sighting details) I hope that he will someday get in touch with me.

” . . . about one and a half miles away, a huge black bird-like creature came from the more mountainous region to my left, and flew toward the ocean . . . wingspan about equal to the length of the taller palm trees, I thought about 30 to 40 feet. The wings moved very slowly, almost touching on the downward swing . . .”

I believe RM-2 has information about another sighting in Mexico.

Getting back to the Belize sighting in 2006, the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, who is a friend of the eyewitness, showed him the sketch that Eskin Kuhn drew of the two pterosaurs Kuhn had seen in Cuba. The Beliz-2006 eyewitness told Whitcomb that it did resemble what he had seen, but he was not sure if it was exactly the same.

Kuhn Pterosaur Sighting in Cuba

I saw 2 Pterosaurs . . . flying together at low altitude, perhaps 100 feet, very close in range from where I was standing . . . I had a perfectly clear view . . . The rhythm of their large wings was very graceful, slow . . .

They had a long tail trailing behind with a tuft of hair at the end. . . . The head [had] a long crest at the back, long bill, long neck with a crook in it. The chest of the creatures was similarly prominent, protruding forward like the prow of an old ship . . . their wingspan [was] roughly 10 feet.
