Modern Pterosaur in Hawaii

The number of reported sightings of modern pterosaurs in the Hawaiian Islands demands that we examine the reports and evaluate the possibility. Certainly nobody who thinks about it carefully will proclaim that if large pterosaurs lived in modern times none of them would be able to fly across an ocean. Butterflies have been reported to have been blown over some stretches of ocean, both Atlantic and Pacific. Some birds migrate over vaste distances across the earth.

I have been privileged to be given an eyewitness report of a sighting in 1970, northeast of Honolulu. I here give part of that report:

Grew up on the windward side of Oahu in Maunawili Valley. The valley I grew up in is a typical triple canopy rain forest with two  mountain ranges, the Koolaus and Olomana mountain surrounding the valley.  I believe I was around 12 years old at the time that I saw a Pterodactyl.

I step out of our house and walked just a short distance in our front yard when I looked up and saw the Pterodactyl flying (gliding) from the direction of the Koolaus towards Olomana.

I would estimate its height at about 100 feet using the tall Cook pine trees growing in my neighbor’s yard as my reference.

It was light brown in color with canvas like skin and absolutely no feathers.  What really caught my attention was its “horn” protruding from the back of its head ( or as Duane Hodgkinson calls “an appendage”).

When it passed across to the right of me I then realized it was a living creature because it began to flap its wings and continued to flap its wings several times at about a two second interval between flaps.

Pterosaur in Hawaii

At first I thought it was something manmade because I thought it might be some type of a remote controlled Pterodactyl glider.  The wing span (again an estimate) seemed to be about 30 (if not more) feet across.  It was light brown in color with canvas like skin and absolutely no feathers. . . . When it passed across to the right of me I then realized it was a living creature because it began to flap its wings

Flying Creatures Like Pterosaurs in Hawaii

This was late in 1999, in what the soldiers called the “Kahuku range,” on the northeast side of Oahu. A bright full moon illuminated the flying creature, which had a long tail about 25% of the ”size of its body,” which I assume refers to the length, which one soldier estimated was 8-10 feet.


Pterosaur Extinction and Children

The “Pterosaur Eyewitness” blog has just put up a post as follows:

More About the new Cryptozoology Book

This morning, a thirteen-month-old boy was feeling sleepy, so he was put to bed with a children’s educational television show playing on low volume. Just as two other preschoolers (a three-year-old and a two-year old) were about to come into the room, the man on the children’s show displayed a picture of a dinosaur and said, “All dinosaurs are extinct.”

What’s so strange about the above? There’s nothing unusual about it, for it happened in the United States of America. But it is pure indoctrination. “Science” cannot be used as an excuse, for there is no scientific reason to insist that all species of dinosaurs, and by extension pterosaurs, must be extinct. It’s just an assumption that Americans have been indoctrinated into since early childhood.

Why would Americans assume that a preschool education program on television is harmless in teaching little children that all dinosaurs and pterosaurs must be dead? Only if they all were extinct could we justify such indoctrination, and some species are alive.

So why do we believe that all such “ancient” animals are extinct? Why? It is because we adults in developed nations have ourselves been indoctrinated since early childhood. We have been systematically bred to believe in this complete extinction axiom, what Whitcomb calls “universal extinction.”

I was happy to learn recently that the Creation Research Society was conducting work on doing carbon dating of material connected with dinosaur fossils. Far too little has been done in this direction. Those who have been tied down to the extinction axiom have not even dreamed of using carbon dating on dinosaur fossils, for the accepted paradigm has been that such testing would be futile, for carbon dating can only provide dates within thousands or tens of thousands of years into the past. Praise be to the Creation Research Society!

Darren Naish Comments on Pterosaur Fossils

What I would ask is this: “Related to the statement ‘there is no evidence for post-Cretaceous pterosaurs,’ was there any evidence for post-Cretaceous Coelacanths before the discovery of the living Coelacanths?”


Supporting the Bible, yet respecting beliefs of those of various religions, "Searching for Ropens and Finding God" can appeal to many

Searching for Ropens and Finding God – true-life eyewitness encounters with pterosaurs

From page 31 of this nonfiction book:

Whatever people may think, the fact remains that my husband and I both saw that creature. My husband, being a scientist, took in things from the sighting that I was far too amazed/stunned to take in. We watched it until it was a dot on the horizon in the distance.


Weird Bioluminescence

Today I’d like to write about the significance of bioluminescence in sightings of modern pterosaurs, especially in sightings within the United States. To start, we have something interesting written by a British writer, Chris Jensen Romer, a prolific blog writer who wrote a book review on the third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America.

A Whole New Level of Weirdness: Book Review

I still have not really made much of a case for why I found the book engaging, but the answer is that Whitcomb surprised me. A number of the sightings suggest bioluminescence. I really did not expect that. Glow in the dark pterosaurs in the USA? It just gets weirder.

For those with no believe in modern pterosaurs it really is weird to add “glow in the dark” to the weirdness of non-extinction. What next? But this is not really new. People in old times used to report “fire-breathing” dragons, some of which were flying creatures. Just change fire-breathing to bioluminescence and you have something weird but not as weird as “fire-breathing dragons.”

Bioluminescence itself is not so weird, for many creatures of the oceans have it. The deeper parts of the oceans have glowing creatures so weird as to make bioluminescent pterosaurs almost tame by comparison.

When somebody doubts and is put off by reports of large glowing creatures that fly, they should look at the testimonies of eyewitnesses and become acquainted with concepts of credibility and with the amazing living organisms we already know to exist in this big world. They should ask, “What do these reports have in common,” for that may lead to a more open approach to something that seems to contradict our cultural belief, or at least to what we have been trained to believe.

Western Bias Against Modern Pterosaurs

This is the “normal” perspective in developed countries like the USA, where dinosaur extinction and pterosaur extinction is taught as if scientific fact. But as readers, and in this case a blog writer, become exposed to the idea of non-extinction of pterosaurs, some of them start to consider that possibility, even though it runs counter to their cultural beliefs.

Marfa Lights Intelligence

we cannot disprove or even discredit the bioluminescent-predator explanation of Marfa Lights by examining pterosaur fossils.
